Saturday, June 28, 2008

Maturity... please?

And we all said that George W. Bush was a flip-flopper. Check this out. McCain isn't too far from his Republican cohort.

Following the 2008 presidential election campaign has been interesting so far, but recently I read an article regarding immigration and the views of each of the candidates. (McCain and Obama) What I read surprised me for sure. You would think that someone running for president would have a little bit more confidence in his own opinion.

Senator John McCain, last year, was co-sponsoring legislation to be passed, that of which regarded immigration policies and illegal aliens. When it stalled last year, his 'reason' for no longer supporting the bill was that "it was not popular with [the Republican] party."

Maturity? Please? In order to win the nomination for the Republican party, Senator John McCain put aside something that he had been working for that would be good for the public, the American citizens, and those who would like to become citizens of the United States. This was something vital, something important and needed for the country to improve... how could someone put it aside just because people wouldn't like you for it? I can understand teenagers in high school worrying about what people think about them, but then you have to realize that the reason teens do this is because of the example that our leaders make for them... but I digress.

Although I am a fan of Senator Obama, I can't say that he's being the most mature either.

"'When he was running for his party's nomination, he walked away from that commitment,' Obama told a gathering of the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials, at which the two candidates appeared separately to woo Hispanic votes." -The Trail

Once again, a system that should be formal and convincing has been shown to be a mere popularity contest with all the immaturities of high school... only without the slang and ripped jeans.

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