Monday, June 16, 2008

Will Clinton take the blame if Obama falls?

In this article about finger-pointing and reasons behind it, Ben Adler, a staff writer for Politico, suggests that Clinton would be an object of blame if Barack Obama does not win the presidential election in November. While some think that yes, Hillary Clinton will take the blame if Senator Obama does not come out victorious, others think that this is a moot point, and that the democratic party will be completely united by that time.

It is naive to think that the entire democratic party will unite for Barack, but considering that his platform was/is 95% the same of what Clinton was holding up, it is possible that a majority will come together. If Clinton will uphold her word and really support Obama in the rest of the election process, then he will come out victorious. There is no doubt that there is a huge possibility for a major democratic landslide. At this point, she is campaigning for him and with him, and trying her best to get her public votes to transfer. However, it might not be so necessary because of how similar the platforms were during the primary. Most of the public has the notion that Obama is a good man with a sensible head on his shoulders. It would be completely absurd to think anything otherwise, as he has avoided all lingering clashes and confrontations so far, and handles everything with sensibility.

My opinion: Obama will win this election in a landslide if he keeps moving foward the way he is now. If it doesn't happen, the blame will fall more on McCain, not Clinton. (if she keeps campaigning for him the way she has started)

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