Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Death Penalty?

In response to an article entitled "Death Penalty?" regarding the death penalty as an option for child molestation cases......

I can see the sense in the old saying 'an eye for an eye,' which is why I must agree with the death penalty in the case of a murder. However, if no life is taken, then how could you justify taking a life? Somehow I find myself conflicted in opinion in response to your article. In the case of child molestation, the child would still be alive. But with all the terrible images they would have in their head for the rest of their life, their emotional hurt and newfound inability to trust, I am not sure I would call it living. In that way, I must agree that it should be a feasible punishment. It's a touchy subject, and it is a difficult decision to make when it comes to opinion. As far the Supreme Court's decision goes, they subconsiously bring personal morals into it, even though they're not supposed to. Although it might be a perfectly feasible thing to use the death penalty for child molestation cases, a judge might not see it that way because of their personal beliefs.

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