Monday, June 9, 2008

To the polls?

This editorial in the Austin American Statesman adresses the value of the voter in Austin. Fighting head to head for a seat on the city council, Laura Morrison and Cid Galindo would need the majority of the vote. Unfortunately, only about 25,000 citizens of Austin are voting for these such things. This wouldn't be an issue except for the fact that the percentage of the population that is voting is a miniscule 3.5%.. The main issue is the number of votes and the value of a single vote. We live in a city with such dynamic people with huge, independent opinions. Why don't people vote then? It is the duty of the citizens to vote! And especially in Austin, where opinions are so out-there, wouldn't people want their opinion heard, no matter how crazy? My opinion? Vote. Take to the booth and vote. The Austin American Statesman's editorial board is in favor of Morrison and her democratic ideals in a largely democratic city. Galindo wants a "green home tax" which would require homeowners to use energy upgrades before selling their houses. Morrison is not in agreement with this tax and says that she would never burden homeowners in that manner. So what will it be? A republican who wants to impose a tax on homesellers with the house economy as bad as it is? or will it be Morrison? One can't really say that she doesn't have a leg up on Galindo in even just that she is a democrat.

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